What is OTT-JAKOB pull rod? OTT-JAKOB traction bar application
2023-09-21 16:21:01
OTT-JAKOB Power drawbar provides high clamping force. The booster amplifies the spring force and locks the system. The common internal spindle profile allows different tool standards or the same dimensions to be used in the same spindle, and jigs with jigs can be easily replaced.
In the case of a drawbar (ES), the gear is located in a cylinder behind the main shaft. The position of the gearbox makes the position sensing of the clamping system simple and simple. The ES is designed for applications with spindle speeds up to 10,000 min-1.
To ensure that the steep-cone clamping system works perfectly at higher speeds, the integrated mounting fixture (IS) is designed to be as compact as possible through a gear unit integrated into the spindle. As a result, rotational speeds well above 10,000 min-1 can also be achieved.
The above content introduces what the OTT-JAKOB pull rod is and what the OTT-JAKOB pull rod is. In addition, Shenzhen Oudejie Technology specializes in selling new imported OTT-JAKOB rod from Germany, and promises to sell products that are new imported, while providing customers with quotation, selection, product information and other services.